Welcome Family and Friends of Pop and Nany Passey. Feel Free to Comment on any Posts or if you would like to be able to add your own Posts, get in contact with Aaron Boynton. Enjoy!

Thursday, January 03, 2008


I am hoping that more of you will join in the fun of blogging. I am so amazed at technology, and don't understand most of it. Aaron has helped us join together in one place on the Passey Family Blog. I'm looking forward to hearing from you. Computers are a lifeline for me, and I am thankful for them.
Thanks, Aaron, for bringing us here.
I love you, oh first grandchild!!!!

2008 is the new year..

Dear Family,
The holidays were very nice, thanks to each of you.
I am looking forward to this new year with hope and
resolutions to make it one of my best.
I count my blessings one by one.
Family of children, grandchildren, and great-grand children.
My sisters, their families, and my extended family.
My comfortable homes, both in Bountiful and in St. George.
The Gospel, which centers my life and my goals.
The beauty of the earth.
The land of freedom, which comes at a very high price.
Those great people who make it possible for me to be free.
The neighbors and the children and my dear Ward friends.
So much more...........
I love my family and hope we are all looking forward and not looking back.